enlace | BASAbali Cultural Wiki


  • THE BASABali Cultural Wiki is an evolving community developed multilingual platform that is designed to engage the public in strengthening local languages and culture. Half dictionary and half encyclopedia, the community shapes the platform in addition to adding content. To date, the community has added a people's history, an artist directory, a bookshelf to share coping strategies under Covid-19, a listing of children's book in the local language, and more.

    The BASAbali Cultural Wiki is being piloted in Bali, Indonesia. At the end of 2020, it has been used by 1.5 million people and 2021 plans are to expand part of it to Makassar, Indonesia and deepen its reach in Bali to engage millenials in civic participation.

  • Category: cultural diversity
  • Thematic area: Cultural and Linguistic Continuity
  • Call topics: Youth engagement and digital activism
  • Major objective: Deliver capacities to take concrete actions and measures to support, access and promote indigenous languages
  • Area of intervention: Empower through capacity-building