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Updates to this privacy policy

Updated: September 20, 2012

Terms of Use

Authorizing the  use of the name, acronym and/or logo of UNESCO  is the prerogative of the General Conference and the Executive Board. In specific cases as set out by the Directives, the governing bodies empower, by delegation, the Director-General and the National Commissions for UNESCO to authorize such use to other bodies. The power to authorize the use of the name, acronym, logo and/or Internet domain names of UNESCO may not be granted to other bodies.

Any decision authorizing the use of the name, acronym, logo and/or domain names of UNESCO shall be based on the following criteria:

  1. relevance of the proposed association to the Organization’s strategic objectives and programme;
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The use of the name, acronym, logo  and/or domain name must be expressly authorized in advance and in writing, and must comply with the specified conditions and procedures, in particular with respect to its visual presentation, duration and scope.

Authorization for the use of the logo IYIL2019

United Nations Offices, Funds and Programmes and other subsidiary organs and organizations of the United Nations System may use the 2019 International Year logo without obtaining prior authorisation. However, they are asked to provide information to UNESCO after their activities for the purpose of reporting after the end of the International Year.

Entities outside the UN System , including governments, intergovernmental organizations, not-for-profit organisations, and other entities may also use the stand alone logo IYIL2019 on conditions as follows:

  • The logo is the property of the United Nations and UNESCO as the UN lead agency for the organization of the International Year, owns all rights thereto, including the right to giving or withdrawing permission in terms of its use.
  • The logo is only used to identity information material, events and activities that are directly related to the United Nations International Year of Indigenous Languages in 2019.
  • The logo is not used for self-promotion or for obtaining commercial or financial gains.
  • The logo is not used in a way that falsely suggests the endorsement by the United Nations or UNESCO of the activity or of the entity that organizes the activity.
  • The United Nations and UNESCO does not assume any responsibility or liability for the activity of the entity.
  • The logo or the emblem is used in its entirety and is not in any way altered.
  • Permission for the use of the international year logo does not extend to use of the United Nations logo or the logo of any of its agencies, including UNESCO.
  • The United Nations and UNESCO do not assume any responsibility or liability arising from the translation of the logo into languages beyond the six official UN languages.

Steps for applying for the logo IYIL2019

  • Register on the IYIL2019 website
  • Complete an application form
  • Once, authorization is granted by UNESCO to use logo, download of emblem.

Please consult IYIL2019 logo use guidelines .

Fraudulent behaviour and phishing

Some cases of individuals claiming to act on behalf of UNESCO have been reported to the Organization by means of “phishing” and/or fraudulent emails.

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Intellectual Property

License source

License / Read Usage Terms


see  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO

non © UNESCO

Nomination File

Format for the nomination of properties for registration on the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages – Registration template

Partners are encouraged to grant to UNESCO, in written form and free of charge, the non exclusive cession of rights to diffuse, to communicate to the public, to publish, to reproduce, to exploit, in any form and on any support, including digital, all or part of the images provided and license these rights to third parties.

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Not property of UNESCO, property of third parties, copyright holders, who authorize the UNESCO/IYIL2019 to display and distribute them. Any use of photographs requires a separate request for authorization from copyright holders.

non © UNESCO

Creative Commons Licenses


Public Domain

Public Domain

No copyrights

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Link Disclaimer

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  • Your site should make every effort not to present false information about UNESCO or IYIL2019 .
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  • UNESCO controls and operates this web site from UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris, France. If you use UNESCO/ IYIL2019 materials from locations outside of France, you are responsible for compliance with any applicable laws.
  • UNESCO/ IYIL2019 may at any time revise this Linking Policy. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the current version of the policy. 


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