Philippine Indigenous Languages Lecture Series: Porohanon
In celebration of the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, the University of the Philippines Department of Linguistics is holding monthly public lectures based on recent studies conducted by its faculty members on different Philippine languages.
The third installment of our Philippine Indigenous
Languages Lecture Series (
) will be presented by Mr. Vincent Christopher Santiago
In this lecture, he will examine the three construction
types–existential, possessive, and locative–
in Porohanon, a Bisayan variety spoken in the Camotes
islands, Cebu. These constructions have been
traditionally viewed as structurally and
conceptually-related to each other.
The lecture will be held on 29 March 2019 (Friday) from 1:00 – 3:00 PM at the CSSP Faculty Lounge located at Palma Hall Pavilion 2.
This lecture is free and open to the public.
Certificates of attendance may be issued upon request.
For more information about this and the succeeding #UPLingPILLS, you can send us an email at lingg@kssp.upd.edu.ph.