School MAWIOMI & Cultural Showcase
As part of support and promotion for IYIL2019 Treaty Education in collaboration with Mi’kmaw
Culture and Language department will be celebrating a provincial event in the community of
We’koqma’q. As part of the initial stages of planning an Atlantic wide video conference will
showcase how we can promote language through creative arts as well as a small
Mawio’mi(gathering) showcasing Mi’kmaw culture(drumming, dancing, performances, and
Both the video conference event and Mawiomi will be highlighted by the official screening of the
“Apijasimk” short movie created by Trevor Gould. Apijasimk is a short film of Mistane’j the
brother of the Mi’kmaw legend Kluskap’s brother who comes back to contemporary Mi’kmaq
and is troubled by loss of language and way of life of the MI’kmaq. The film sends a powerful
message of our need to reclaim Mi’kmaw language and values.
Also as an added feature of the event will be the official launch of the L’nuta’ql Mi’kmaw Music
Showcase Album. L’nuta’ql is the largest collection of original songs in the Mi’kmaw language
from songwriters across the Atlantic. The project was meant to create incentive for artists to sing
and create songs in the MI’kmaw language. Long time recording artists and East Coast Music
Nominees such as Kalolin Johnson, The Relatives, Hubert Francis and many more were part of
the live show during Mi’kmaw history month in October 2018. The launch of the live album song
and videos will be launched as part of the event.
As part of the feast we hope to have organization booths set up to showcase best practices on
language revitalization and resources. As well as showcasing local crafts persons and traditional
and contemporary Mi’kmaw music.