Sámi Early Childhood Education Seminar
A two-day seminar on Sámi Early Childhood Education is held in Inari on June 7-8, 2019.
The first seminar day is a research seminar, a review of the current state of the Sámi early childhood education and research. The second day is a celebration of Sámi Early Childhood Teacher Training. Saturday’s celebration is historic, as for the first time there will be Sámi early childhood education teachers graduating from a special Sámi Early Childhood Education Training Program in Finland. On the same day, there will be a seminar about supporting young children with their language development.
The event is for anyone interested in practice or research of Sámi education and Sámi pedagogy.
The seminar is open and free for everyone.
Simultaneous interpretation: all Sámi languages spoken in Finland – Finnish. Enrollment to the seminar by May 27: https://www.oulu.fi/ktk/node/58990
Organized by University of Oulu, Sámi Education Institute, Giellagas Institute, The Sámi Parliament in Finland and Ministry of Education and Culture.