Fèis Blas 2019- Seonaidh is Donaidh
Oidhche far an dèanar luaidh air dà shàr-fhear-ciùil à Leòdhas, Dòmhnall MacLeòid (Donaidh Leòdaidh) agus Iain Mac a’ Mhaoilein (Seonaidh Beag).
Tha Donaidh, a bha ceithir fichead ’s a deich na bu thràithe air a’ bhliadhna, ainmeil ann an saoghal ceòl traidiseanta, gu sònraichte mar fhìdhlear is neach-teagaisg. Tha e air a bhith a’ toirt taic do cheòl thraidiseanta anns an eilean fad iomadh bliadhna.
Bha Seonaidh Beag ceithir fichead o chionn ghoirid, ’s tha e fìor ainmeil mar sheinneadair Gàidhlig. B’ e a’ phrìomh sheinneadair a bh’ aig Na Lochies; dh’fhoillsich Seonaidh seachd clàran còmhla ri Na Lochies, a thuilleadh air pàirt a ghabhail ann an iomadh ceilidh is cuirm-ciùil air feadh na dùthcha sìos tro na bliadhnaichean.
Bidh luchd-ciùil air leth a’ tighinn còmhla gus luaidh a dhèanamh air Donaidh agus Seonaidh, nam measg Kathleen NicAonghais, Iain MacAoidh, Ailean MacEanraig, buill de Chòmhlan Phìob Leòdhais agus eile, agus bidh Tom MacÌomhair na fhear an taighe.
A celebration of two of Lewis’ finest, Donald ‘Donnie Leody’ Macleod and John ‘Seonaidh Beag’ Macmillan.
Donnie, who celebrated his 90th birthday earlier this year, is a well-known figure in traditional music circles and particularly for his fiddle playing and tuition and has been a keen supporter of the traditional music scene for many years across the island.
Seonaidh Beag, who recently celebrated his 80th birthday, is a well-known traditional Gaelic singer, who was the lead vocalist with the seminal Gaelic folk group ‘The Lochies’. With the Lochies, Seonaidh recorded 7 albums and over the years and has performed at cèilidhs and concerts across the country.
An impressive line-up of musicians join Donnie and Seonaidh for tonight’s celebrations, including; Kathleen Macinnes, Iain MacKay, Allan Henderson, members of the Lewis Pipe Band and more, with the popular MC Tom MacIver in charge of the evening.
This event promotes Gàidhlig, improves access to Gàidhlig arts, promotes the language in a positive light, increases awareness about the language and encourages locals to appreciate our language by providing high quality Gàidhlig events.