NZARE Conference 2019
The NZARE Conference is three full days from Monday 18
to Wednesday 20 November, hosted by University of
Canterbury, Te Whare Wananga o Waitaha. Our theme, “Te
ha o te Takata”, challenges researchers, educators and
stakeholders to critically engage with questions about
‘what is working’ and ‘what is not’ in the many facets
of education that impact on our tamariki (children)
and rangatahi (adolescents) in centres, schools and
tertiary learning, both within in Aotearoa/NZ and
Our ancestral peak, Aoraki Mauka (Mount Aoraki),
situated in the beautiful Southern Alps of the South
Island, calls us to aspire to the highest peak as we
collaboratively work together to revision teaching and
learning to support every learner. Quintessential to
this, is that within Aotearoa New Zealand, and
internationally, the bicultural and multicultural
nature of society necessitates culturally responsive
and inclusive practices where culture and language are
respected and situated in learning.
We are excited to present a range of highly respected
keynote speakers who will provoke our thinking and
practice. Join us for three days of research
presentations, discussions and collaborative